LAMB Foundation News

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Supernova Structure Change

As we welcome in the new year we would first like to thank you all for your support of 2 years for the Supernova program. In order to make the progress of this program continue we have decided to change the structure.

At this time the hands on help we require for the after school program is not possible. Thus we have decided to remove the afternoon component of the program until such a commitment can be met.

In replacement of said program we will be limiting the program to 12 students from Moores Primary School each year (2 from each grade 1 to 6). In addition, graduates from the school already a part of the program can continue on to be High School STARS so they can actively help the Library Project created through our involvement with BridgeKids International.

As participants in our program at the Primary School level we vow to provide each student with a bag pack each semester supplied with composition books, loose leaf papers , sharpener, ruler, colored pencils, markers, pencils and pens. There will be a distribution of these items in August and January of every year. The estimated cost for each student is estimated at $60US (approx. $1500US each year).

Each high school student will also be allotted this same bag pack golf school supplies each year with an estimated 10 students in the program at any given time adding $1200US to the yearly school supply fund. Placing a grand total of $2700US for this project.

As the program progresses we hope to add a School Lunch Program for the primary school participants which is estimated for $200US for each student ($2400US yearly fund).

As we move into the new year please continue to give your full support.