Hip Hip Hooray! We are officially a 501 (c)(3) non profit!
We would first like to thank everyone, who even without this exemption believed in our mission since the inception in 2008. We have come along way since then, and we don’t plan on stopping now. Our work and progress so far is because of YOU and all YOU have done for us to keep the foundation going.
As the founder of LAMB Foundation, I (Lecia Brown), would personally like to say THANK YOU! You have blessed my life in more ways than you may ever know. You have allowed me to provide assistance to others and be a part of something much bigger than I ever imagined it to be. To everyone that has been affiliated with LAMB Foundation in anyway…DONORS, SPONSORS, TEACHERS, PARTNERS, UNIVERSITIES, COMPANIES, VOLUNTEERS, COMMITTEE MEMBERS, NATIONAL SPORTS ATHLETES, INTERNATIONAL VOLLEYBALL TEAMS, ADVISORS, LAWYERS, WRITERS, REPORTERS, FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS, SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS, PARENTS, COACHES, LAMB CAMP PARTICIPANTS, DRIVERS, FRIENDS AND FAMILY… with tears of joy in my eyes… you have all been a blessing to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
But…our work is just about to begin. Without this designation we did so much, but now we can do so much more. Some of the perks include the fact that we can:
Apply for grants – as most funders require that organizations are 501(c)(3)
Accept Interns – students can receive credit to intern with us and help us grow
Accept Donations – Now your future donations can be tax exemption
Solicit Donations – Request from large and small business to donate, because now they get a write off.
This is a big step for us as a foundation, and we can’t wait to grow even more with you in the upcoming years.
So…..where do you donate? It’s easy just CLICK HERE!!! 🙂